Shipping Information

Please allow up to 10-15 business days for your Candle(s) to be shipped. U.S. orders are fulfilled by USPS. Once shipped, orders may take 2–5 days to arrive not including processing time.  Tracking notification emails are sent as soon as the order is processed, not shipped.You may receive a shipping notification when your order is being prepared. However please allow 3-5 business for orders to start tracking. All orders will arrive within 3-5 business days. We are not responsible for shipping delays or lost packages after your order has shipped. Please contact your local USPS office.


We carefully inspect each product prior to shipping. Due to the nature of our product, used candles cannot be returned or refunded. However, we will replace or refund products damaged during shipment if photographic proof of damage is submitted to El Fruto Candles within 25 hours of delivery.Please email if you have any questions or concerns.